Hello guys, most of us are buying and selling our used Smartphones. Before buying used mobiles, we don’t know the Condition and Quality of that mobile. With a simple application, we will come to know the working Condition of the Mobile and we can get the detailed report of the Quality. And the application is “TestM- Smartphone Condition Check & Quality Report”. This application is available for both Android and iOS.
Download from Google Play Store for Android: Click Here
Download from iTunes for iOS: Click Here
Direct Download apk for Android: Mirror1
Details of the Application:
- Name: TestM- Smartphone Condition Check & Quality Report
- Size: 45 MB
- Version: 1.5.7
- Last Updated: 30-12-2017
- Requires Android: 4.3+
If we buy used mobiles without any information of that mobile, if it works well then it’s fine, if not then it’s a waste of money. But if we ask them the TestM report, it’ll be helpful to us to know the working condition of the mobile. And if we found any problems in the mobile, we can ask them to fix that issue. And one most noteworthy point is this TestM will show us repair shops nearby us using our GPS location tracker.
With this feature, we can save our time for searching repair shops. In addition to this, we can save money also. Because if we don’t know what the problem is, the repair shop guy will tell us some other issues also in addition to the original problem. Then he will get the extra money from us. But with TestM application’s Quality report, we will get to know what the exact problem in the mobile is. So we can save our money also.
Salient features of the TestM- Smartphone Condition Check & Quality Report:
- We can get the complete report online immediately after running all the tests. With this report, we can decide whether to buy or sell this mobile or we have to repair or not.
- With IMEI Check option, we can verify that we are not buying a stolen mobile.
- This Application will perform 20 types of tests.
- With Find repair shops option we can save our time and money for searching repair shops nearby us and we will know what the exact problem is.
In this application, it will perform 20 types of tests.
You can see the usage and video explanation here at Techwonderz
Types of Tests:
- Screen: Touch Screen Test
- Sound: Speakers, Earpiece, Microphone, Headphones
- Motion: Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Compass
- Connectivity: WIFI, Bluetooth, Cellular, GPS
- Hardware: Light Sensor, Charger, Vibrate, Proximity Sensor, Fingerprint Sensor
- Camera: Front Camera, Rear Camera, LED Flash
As well as we have options like Internet Speed Test, Battery Info, My Phone Info, Tests History. With these many options, we can easily know the speed of our Internet Connection, we can get our Battery and Phone information also.
Finally, I can say that this is the best application to buy or sell used mobiles by seeing the online report of that mobile and can verify by IMEI Check that we are buying stolen mobiles or not.
So many people make these purchases blindly. Great post.
Thank you
Interesting information. It’s important to run a check on the condition of a used phone and the person selling it before purchase.
Wow… you def. learn something new every day. You def. know your thing.